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وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

انقر فوق أيقوناتنا للوصول إلى قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بنا

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Stevenage Day, June 2023

Our team setup stall at the Stevenage Day event. We promoted our service, held some fundraising games and spoke with other local charities about their work. 

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North Hertfordshire College Fundraising event, May 2023

We joined North Hertfordshire college for a fundraising day with their business students. Each group planned events in the hope to raise money for our organisation. 

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First aid training , May 2023

Some of our staff and volunteers completed their annual first aid training. We have a team of 9 first aiders. We ensure that at least 2 members of the first aid team are in the office at all times. 


Stevenage Citizens Advice هي مؤسسة خيرية مسجلة. رقم التسجيل: 1077414   A عضو في الجمعية الوطنية لنصائح المواطنين. شركة محدودة بضمان ريج. رقم 03836106 إنجلترا مرخصة ومنظمة من قبل هيئة السلوك المالي - FRN: 617753


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